Hello, SFIHHDF Family!

Micaya's 18th Annual SF International Hip Hop DanceFest is gearing up to be more spectacular than ever. We're excited to share these festival updates with you...


What's up with SFIHHDF?

An interview with festival founder and producer Micaya


When and where is the 18th Annual SFIHHDF?

Mark your calendars for November 11-13, 2016 at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco.

What can fans expect at this year's festival?

Fans will get to experience fresh new talent across several different styles of Hip Hop from all over the world. If you've been before, you can expect us to take it to an even higher level. Every year, we continue to bring more and share more. Get ready for 2 unique programs, 4 exhilarating shows, plus a Master Class taught by SFIHHDF performers and open to all levels.

What are you noticing from artist submissions so far?

So far, we've received amazing submissions from dance companies across the globe, including: Brazil, Australia, France, San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, Washington, Tennessee, Boston, Suisun City, and New York. The talent is diverse and extraordinary!

When do tickets go on sale?

Tickes are officially on sale by Monday August 22nd at Cityboxoffice.com. Tickets sell out fast, so stay tuned at www.sfhiphopdancefest.com.


photo by Blake Tucker


New additions to the SFIHHDF "Dream Team"

The SFIHHDF was recently awarded a grant that has enabled us to hire 2 new people!


We're thrilled to welcome Marketing Director KATHY BUDAS, who has been a devoted member of the festival community for many years. Kathy has an outstanding reputation in all facets of arts marketing, branding, and communications. We're pleased to add her to the SFIHHDF organization.


Also, you may recognize GYPSY LOVE as SFIHHDF's Booking Manager. In addition to her booking experience, Gypsy Love enjoys an extensive background generating fiscal support for culturally enriching creative arts centers. We're delighted to add a position for Gypsy as Director of Development.


Join our team


The SFIHHDF is seeking a responsible, professional, and highly organized Booking Assistant to support the festival's Booking Management department with important tasks. This is a paid, part-time position and an ideal opportunity to gain vast experience in administrative booking management within the performing arts space.

Click here to submit an application.


Thank you for keeping our legacy alive!


The SFIHHDF is about to kick-off the our donation drive, so please be on the lookout for ways you can help. Every bit makes a big difference.

Thank you for considering any of these methods of support...

  • food/drink sponsorship for the festival
  • connections with Airlines/Hotels for dancer travel and lodging
  • employer matching programs 
  • donations (tax deductable!) and volunteer opportunities here

photo by Blake Tucker


Thanks, as always, for being such a special part of the SFIHHDF family. We look forward to sharing another incredible year with you! In love and dance...

– Micaya's SF International Hip Hop DanceFest